What’s the all lifelong training ?

Lifelong learning is a continuity between initial, general or professional training, and all of the actions to acquire skills such as continuing education or even a professional activity. It includes the steps of orientation, skills assessment, support towards employment, training and validation of acquired experience

The GIP FLTV in Franche-Comté

In each academy, there is a GIP chaired by the Rector. There are 30 academic GIPs in France.
In Franche-Comté, the GIP FTLV (Lifelong Training) of the Besançon academy has existed since 2003 and its members are the 5 GRETA of the academy.

Its main missions

The GIP aims to carry or manage projects on behalf of all Rectorate services and has support missions towards GRETA.

  • porting of responses to calls for tenders,
  • creation and rental of resources
  • development of the training plan for network players,
  • sector watch, regulatory watch.

The GIP FTLV also develops activity for its own account:

  • advice and support for candidates for the Validation of Acquired Experience,
  • design and management of projects funded by partners from the business world or supported by European programs such as ERASMUS + or FSE.

It conducts training engineering services, provides training itself, pilots regional systems in support of public policies (e.g. fight against discrimination), organizes seminars, etc.

Also of note, since January 1, 2012, the GIP FTLV has become the legal support of the academic CFA whose role is to manage the 58 diplomas of levels V to III prepared by 800 apprentices in 34 public high schools of the academy.

45, avenue Carnot – 25 000 BESANCON

Phone number : +33 3 81 65 74 66